I tabled at SPX this past weekend, which was really fun. As always, I was surprised by what sold and what didn’t. For example, my short comic Fart Stories turned out to be a hit.
It’s a memoir comic about me in Okinawa, entering what was practically a sacred, silent space. And then farting really loud. And then some other stuff happened after that (also involving farts).
You can grab it here for $2 if you’re interested.
Another one that did really well was Unsent Love Letters, my memoir comic about being a sad disaster teenager with gay feelings. That surprised me because I think at the last SPX in 2019 I only sold like two copies.
Anyway, it was good times all around. This weekend I’ll be doing HalloWeird at Del Rey Artisans in Alexandria, VA and Art All Night at Congress Heights Arts and Culture Center in DC. Both in the same day. Am I gonna die? Probably.
But I do so love suffering.